Saturday, August 4, 2007

Free market

I was a "free-market takes care of all" before coming here. Now after reading developmental economics, I believe that neo-classical approach doesn't make any sense...
Neo-classical approach says that Humans are essentially selfish and hence supply-demand are essential way of getting things done....
I don't have any problems in saying that Humans are essentially selfish and this is precisely why I believe government intervention is needed..
Because if government doesn't intervene, the siblings and progeny of Howard Roarks of the world may rule corporations inspite of being inefficient ( I can quote many examples of incompetent CEOs who reached that position by the virtue of their background...)
I don't want my children to succeed me because they are my children..
I am an idiot.. but only for one more month.. when I leave this place to the land of Merci, I guess I would buried my "past"... its an albatross around my neck..
why am I not selfish ? I am happy that my ego is intact... but still I can sense my weakness.... Hmm....

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